Homepage: https://chemistryinthecity.neocities.org
Local Directory
Location: Virginia, United States
Homepage: Http://differentcomputers.com
About: Retired Mac guy, progressive. Former fencer and martial artist.
Runequest/Heroquest author.
Description: I run Bottle Imp, an independent record label. Stroke survivor. I raise chickens. he/him. I make music as Life Toward Twilight
Location: Rio Verde Foothills, AZ,
Homepage: https://danieltuttle.com
Description: Retired geek who is now a van-life nomad.
Location: The world.
Homepage: TakeABow.com
Keywords: #actor, #poet, #burningman, #Photography, #Travel, #Nature, #vanlife, #motorhome, #campervan, #rv
About: Started programming computers in the 1960s. Became a Biomedical Engineer
from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Albany Medical School. Graduate
study at Brooklyn Poly. Worked in the field, and then technical marketing,
and then free-lance. In 2012, kept one client, sold the house and
everything, and went full-on digital nomad. Traveled around the world. In
2016, bought a Sprinter and started living in it.
Description: Software & Photos
Age: 38
Homepage: https://radcoding.com
About: Happy and looking to learn and discover great news from the fediverse